How To Start An Advertising Agency In India – A Step by Step Guide

You may be a working professional who wants to quit a 9 to 5 job and wants to know how to start advertising agency in India.


Maybe you are a businessman in a different industry and now you want to test the success of the fast-growing online advertising industry in India.

 Let’s take a look, how fast the advertising industry growing in India

And then how you can start an advertising agency in India with step by step guide, with the entire legal document that you require to register your advertising business in India.

Good news for you,

After the fall of 20.5% in 2020, the advertising industry expects to rise to 23%: Report. 

Advertising across media platforms in India will grow by 24.5% in 2021 to Rs 80,124 cr. in 2021 after a sharp 21.5% decline in the pandemic hit last year.

Starting your advertising agency is a very rewarding and profitable career choice.


Competition is tough, however, you’ll have to make sure your company is a step above all the rest. Opening, building, and operating your advertising agency will need a lot of work and dedication, but with proper preparation and strategy make it in the field.

First step and getting started 

Determine and set up your goal for this business. Before starting, you need to determine what your final goals are. 

Whether you want to start as a part-time commitment that you will do in your spare time from home, or you want to be the next big agency and open an office in Capital or the heart of Banglore? 

These are your goals that gonna determine how you run your agency, whom you hire, how you budget, and almost everything about your business.

Consider taking courses that will help you run this business.

 When formal education doesn’t require to start your advertising firm, there are training classes that could be an asset to you. 

Of course, advertising classes can educate you in a few additional areas that can help you properly manage your business and expand your profits.

Graphic design training and knowledge can help you create visual advertisements. Otherwise, you’ll have to hire a designer if you want to do visual ads, which will be a significant expense.

Keep up with the advertising network. 

Advertising is a dynamic industry, Where you need to keep in touch with all developments in the industry if you determine on becoming successful. 

If you haven’t done this already, subscribe to all the relevant periodicals in the industry and read every issue. You can also attend seminars and conferences to further educate yourself on the field and see what your competition is planning.

No doubt 

Networking plays a vast role in any successful business whether you want to start an online advertising industry or want to have an idea of the requirement of document and registration to start an ad agency.

Draw up and make a plan for your business.

It’s true and you can’t deny that starting a business without having a proper plan is like playing football without a goalpost.

When you start any business, you have to draw up your short and long-term plans at some point. This is a must if you intend to get loans or investments, but also useful for yourself so you can gather your thoughts and decide your intentions for growing your business.

 For your advertising agency, your business plan must include at least the following 

A strategy and description of your business. Your investors  will want to know what exactly your business does and what kind of service it offers. 

Be clear when explaining your advertising methods and the proper strategy of your advertising business. There are a lot of advertising agencies and no doubt a competitive market so people may be cautious to invest unless you convince them that your business will offer a service that other firms don’t.

If you want to start your advertising business on a high level, you may need a loan or investor so you have to prepare how can convince them and how you are going to be different from others advertising agency or company

Put together an attractive portfolio. 

Your selling point to potential and target clients will be your portfolio, Collection of past work you’ve done in advertising and your satisfied clients will be your big assets to win the trust of your potential clients.

 Many people start as an employee in the advertising industry and then want to be business owners. In this case, you can put plenty of work into your portfolio. 

If you haven’t worked in the field, you should build your portfolio on top priority. You can take any small jobs to add to your portfolio. If you’re entirely new to advertising, you should consider working as an employee first. 

This can give experience and credentials that you can put into your portfolio.

If you want to start advertising a business online trust me your portfolio plays a crucial part in acquiring any client 

Build a website online presence 

In this Era, trying to run a business without a website and online presence is like trying to drive your car without gas and petrol. 

It helps you to target almost an entire and a large section of its potential market. 

Make an attractive website and target your potential customer where they are social media, Google, anywhere

This can play a vital role in your online advertising business.

Advertising agency registration process in India 

Establishing a legal business entity protects you from being held personally liable if your advertising company is sued.

 you would need service tax registration for paying service tax on your service fees, a pan number for your advertising  agency, 

Whether, it a company/LLP/Partnership/sole proprietorship for paying tax, an approval from the flat or society association (assuming the residential property falls within a society) would be a must.

You can find a lawyer, chartered accountant or a registered company, or a CA they are easier to work with and can help you in all your legal entity


And I believe at the end of this blog you have an idea about how to open advertising agency in India.

Opening and building or running an ad agency will need a lot of work and dedication.

Competition is high and you have to make sure your company steps ahead of all competition.

If you follow what I wrote in this blog and with the proper plan and dedication you can take it in the field.

Author Bio-

Ali Gaffar is a blogger and digital marketer. He does freelancing. And also he loves to read and write blogs.

He is one of the Alumnus of AADME.

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