How to Create Sales Funnel for Free in 2024?

Explore how to create sales funnel for free also know what are the 5 stages of sales funnels

Do you want to automate sales for your business?

Is it looking complex to build systems around it?

Don’t worry, in this article, I am going to tell you how to create sales funnel for free of cost and also will throw some light on what are the 5 stages of sales funnels that give better results for any business.

So, without any delay let’s understand how to create sales funnel for free.

how to create sales funnel for free

What are the 5 Stages of Sales Funnels?

Before understanding how to create sales funnel for free, it is important to know the 5 stages of a sales funnel. They are as follows:

  1. Awareness 
  2. Evaluation/Interest
  3. Decision
  4. Purchase/closing
  5. Loyalty
what are the 5 stages of sales funnels


In this stage, your desired prospect understands their exact problem and the demerits of it.

At this stage, you should educate them on their problems.

This is a very easy phase in understanding how to create a business funnel. 

Evaluation/ Interest:

In this stage, your desired prospects evaluate their problems and think of solutions. So, you need to provide an exact solution to their problem which is specific.

This builds trust in you and your business.


In this stage, your prospect decides to buy your service/product or not.

So, you should provide proof about your business with the help of testimonials, case studies, and interesting facts. 

Purchase/ closing:

In this stage, your prospect becomes your client. The actual game begins here.

Now it’s your responsibility to give your client the best experience and retain them for a lifetime. 


After purchasing your product/service, retaining clients is very important in any business.

So, you can provide their affiliate offers, industry facts, newsletters, and many more by providing value.

Many think selling is important but this is the most important phase in understanding how to create sales funnel for free. 

Customer retention is very important in any business.

Now, you understood what are the 5 stages of sales funnels.

To build this step by step you need to know how to create sales funnel for free.

How to Create Sales Funnel for Free?

If you are a beginner and want to build a sales funnel for your business, then using free tools is a better option.

Before knowing how to create a free sales funnel, you should understand the segments of the sales funnel which are following:

how to create free sales funnel

TOFU (Top of the Funnel):

This is the Awareness phase of the customer as discussed above.

In this phase, you need to educate your prospects and make them aware of their problem by providing the necessary content.

In this phase, you should drive your desired prospects to the landing page.

In the whole concept of how to create a free sales funnel, this is an important phase.

To drive traffic to the landing page, you can use social media platforms like Youtube, Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, and many more.

All these are free platforms.

MOFU (Middle of the Funnel):

This is the phase where you should nurture your prospect and give him a buying instinct by generating a desire for your product or service.

For this adding them to your email list is important. To add them to your email list, a lead magnet is important. 

A lead magnet can be an ebook, webinar, newsletter, etc.

To build a landing page and email automation for free, you can use mailer lite. It is free for the first 1000 subscribers.

BOFU (Bottom of the Funnel):

This is the phase where your prospect makes a buying decision and retains it.

In this phase, you should provide proof and generate desire with the help of offers, testimonials, case studies, industry facts, and many more.

So sales can be done effectively.

To collect payments from the cart page you can create a free WAVE account.

Now you understood the segments of the sales funnel and how to create a business funnel with the help of free tools which are available to build a sales funnel.


In the above article, we understood What are the 5 stages of sales funnels which include awareness, evaluation, decision, Purchase, loyalty.

These are the step-by-step process followed by your prospects to ultimately buy your product/ service. 

Now to understand how to create sales funnel for free, you should understand how to create a business funnel generating sales with the help of free tools.

There are 2 tools or software, which help you to build sales funnel for free:

  1. Mailer Lite
  2. Wave 

Mailer lite helps you to build a landing page, sales page, and email automation free for the first 1k subscribers. This makes your work simple as you don’t have to spend even a single rupee on it.

To redirect your prospect from the Sales page to the cart page and collect payments, having a WAVE account benefits you a lot. It is also a free tool/ software which helps you to collect payments.

 Now you understood how to create sales funnel for free, but using it effectively is equally important in business.

To know that you should understand the 3 segments of the sales funnel, which are TOFU, MOFU, BOFU.

The role of TOFU is to educate prospects and drive them to the landing page.

The role of MOFU is to nurture the prospects, share facts and provide social proof.

The role of BOFU is to build a desire in your prospect to buy your product or service.

how to create a business funnel


If you are a new business owner and can’t afford a lot of money on the sales funnel, It is better to use free tools and software for building a basic sales funnel. 

From the above article you understood how to create sales funnel for free, what are the 5 stages of sales funnels, how to create a business funnel with the help of free tools, What are the important segments in building sales funnel.

I hope the article was useful and insightful.

Let’s catch up with another interesting article in the future.

Until then keep smiling and learn something new everyday ☺☺

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