Video Marketing Funnel for Agency Lead Generation

Are your sales funnel do not work anymore for lead generation?  


You are not getting conversions on your lead generation?

One major thing that could be missing is the conviction in your articles.

video marketing funnel for agency lead generation

I am not saying articles don’t work anymore. 

They do 


Here in 2021 people are shifting to videos and if you are not doing a video marketing funnel for agency lead generation.

Then your competition is way ahead of you.

It is always preferred to have a moneymaking sales funnel for marketing agencies.    

Now let’s deep dive into how to create a high converting youtube video sales funnel?

What is a video sales funnel in digital marketing?

sales funnel for marketing agencies

This is an automated selling system that becomes your 24/7 salesperson & helps you generate leads and sales online more easily and effectively even when you’re sleeping. 

Whether it’s B2B or B2C video marketing is taking center stage everywhere by providing an effective and improved way of lead generation.

Even brands & agencies have identified the importance of video marketing to influence purchase decisions and have made it an essential & centric part of their marketing strategy.

Why are video sales funnels for digital marketing agencies so effective?

video sales funnel in digital marketing

Well, I don’t think I need to answer this but still let me help you clear some doubts:

  • Millions of people watch time has been recorded more on videos than on reading articles
  • Google is prioritizing videos in search results
  • Social media video consumption is flooding
  • The huge growth in Video ad expenditure
  • Research states video influence product purchasing

Hence, there is no doubt that the video sales funnel can attract buyers into leads and convert them into paying customers.

How does a video sales funnel for digital marketing work?

video sales funnel in digital marketing

Video sales funnels are easy to understand.

If you are intending to generate leads in mind here are the simplified steps for you:

  1. People find your content (via organic/paid search or social media platform).
  2. Your audience watches your promoted video & maybe a few more to understand you better and how you help them and their journey begins.
  3. After catering more knowledge from you they become your loyal viewers and consider visiting your landing page to become your lead.
  4. Depending on how your campaign is designed, retargeting landing pages with visitors with remarketing can also help you drive leads.

How to build a video sales funnel for an agency that converts?

With a good understanding of each stage of the VSL funnel, you can easily design your video sales funnel that will accelerate you to leads.

I have an effective formula for exploding your business with leads which is called the VSL method.

Video Sales Letter (VSL):

A Video Sales Letter (VSL) is a video designed to sell a product or service to the viewer.

A VSL uses the same principles that a written sales letter does to persuade its audience but in video form.

You can distribute them on multiple social media platforms in the form of IGTV, Reels, Shorts, Stories, Video Ads.

Here’s a step by step process of creating an effective video sales funnel:

digital marketing agency sales funnel

1. Attention

Attract the attention of your customer and make your purpose of making them visit your landing page stand out!

This can be anything like:

  • Use a fearful stat ( will help you get their engagement)
  • Introduce a problem statement ( this will give them a reason to choose you) 
  • Welcome & thank for choosing to watch ( so they feel connected)

For example Attention Indians! The Bad News is…

2. Interest 

Here you need to Raise customers’ interest by demonstrating features, advantages, and benefits.

This you can do by:

  • Showcasing the Agitation ( you are making them realize how you can become useful for them by pointing out their pain points & giving the hope that you can be their savior).

For example: 

Are you still worried about getting a respectable job that you dream of, do you know 15 lakhs jobs are waiting for you?

3. Desire

Convenience customers that they want and desire the product or service and that it will satisfy their needs.

This you can do by:

  • Showing them Resolution ( you can give them the reasons how you can solve their problems and can help them change their life the way they always wanted to be).

For example: Do you know that a minor tweak in your career plans can bring bigger changes in your life?

Despite just telling you, I’ll show you a proven blueprint on how you can build a high-income career on a Free online training course that I’m hosting. Click here to register.

4. Action

Lead customers towards taking a specific and measurable action.

This you can do by:

  • Showing the CTA:  The Next Steps ( show them some credentials to build your credibility).

For example, You can’t afford NOT to take advantage of this free online training.

Click here to register.

Best Types of Videos for each stage:

Till now you have learned the pattern of making the best video sales funnel. 

Now let me tell you which video to use at which stage to not only stand out in front of customers to engage them better but also to convert them into your sales.

1. Awareness stage: 

Provide educational content by acknowledging them about you and how you can solve their problem leading them to your landing page.

2. Consideration stage:

Introduce them with your product and services and nurture them with your targeted content.

A combination of practical approach & social proof works fine here. 

3. Conversion stage:

Talk about the benefits of your product by creating a sense of urgency to make them buy from you. You can also offer some discounts and promo codes to make your offer look compelling.

4. Customer loyalty and Advocacy:

Give them helpful, relevant information. Delight them with service, get feedback & use it to improve your services. 


sales funnel in digital marketing

Video is nailing in the current time and will break the records in the coming years.

So, this is the best time to invest in your very own Video marketing & sales funnel.

As video is only going to be more and more in coming years 

And I am sure you don’t want to risk your brand being drowned out in coming years by competitors who use effective video marketing.

While the idea of committing to video may seem overwhelming, all it takes is little planning and creativity.

And I am sure that this cheat sheet will help you overcome that fear also.

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